crazy sticky madness! Drew and I were getting ready to go to Target I opened the door to the car and noticed brown icy stuff all over the car- it looked like someone had thrown snow in my car. Needless to say I shortly discovered it was not snow but Diet Coke! Someone (not saying names)( see pic below) bought himself Diet Coke but forgot to bring it in the house.
We live in MN! It gets insanely cold here- you have to bring it in otherwise this could happen. So crazy frozen slushy coke everywhere- HE GETS TO CLEAN IT!!!!!!
The victims
The Diet Coke bottle
The car seats
The car!!!

The suspect at large whom I am waiting to come home and clean it up!!!!!!!!!!! (and yes he is drinking Diet Coke- the evidence speaks for itself!)
sorry i am busting up! only a man.... thats all i have to say
I was so mad this morning but I am start seeing the humor in it =-)
OOOOhh....what a least it won't melt too much, sounds bitter cold out there
Hey, ask Steve if he remembers how mad I used to get when he'd put pepsi cans in the freezer for "just a minute"!! haha, it's still pretty funny
It couldn't have been Steve because he only drinks Diet Pepsi. If the glove doesn't fit, you must acquit.
Sadly, I have left soda in my truck to find a similar mess. Not fun.
Oh lord..... What a disaster! I surely would NOT want to clean that up. It doesn't even phase Drew. He's like whatever.... I'll sit next to the slush. I actually think its funnier that you're like whatever I'm still going to put my kid in his carseat next to the slush, go to Target and have Steve clean it up later!
I did clean his part of the car seat before I put him in it. My Target trip was not being ruined over a little slush! I was going to clean it but I knew it would take me all day and I had to work so I just thought forget it- Steve and I had recently had a conversation about leaving the sodas in the car and I thought hey why should I have to do it? He did it when he knew better!
Omg..What a mess. So, did Steve end up cleaning it. Hope he learned his lesson. Good for you, for making him clean it. :)
He did clean it we had to rent a carpet cleaner- he did a great job the car needed anyways!
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