Monday, June 22, 2009

Monday Challenge!

Okay my fellow bloggers! I have decided to try and make a small lifestyle change each week that will help me start living a healthier lifestyle! So every Monday I will make a post that will be my challenge for the week. My goal is to keep this going for 8 Mondays and at the end of that have 8 lifestyle changes that I have made.
Okay so I am going to give up Diet Coke this week! That's pretty much the only soda I drink so the challenge is really to give up soda. I have been saying I was going to do this for years - I'm not a huge Soda Drinker just about 1 a day so I am hoping it won't be so bad. So does anyone want to join me? Make your own challenge and tell me what your lifestyle change is! Can be a big change or little change- whatever you want!

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

Thats awesome.. im the same i dont drink soda at home, and if i have soda at home its one a day.. My main thing is not eating anything with trans fats! Very bad for you.. when you look at the ingrediants on the back of a package, if it says HYDROGENATED (ANYTHING) OR SHORTENING.. It has trans fat even though the front of the box sais no trans fat! here is a list of what main foods have it:
almost every thing in the "junk food isle"
chips (except some lays)
pop tarts
some cereals
smuckers sandwiches
butter (except smart balance lite)
some pre made dinners
hamburger helper
boxed flavored noodles.. you know what i will just write a post about it