Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Just one of those days

Have you ever had one of those days where everything seemed to go against you. That was my day today! It started with waking up late with a headache but I'm tough I'm a Mom we deal.

So today was Grandparents day at school and Steve's mom's back went out so she had to miss it. So I got the kids off on the bus then called the school because I couldn't remember what time it started - 9:30 and it's 9:15 so I threw some clothes on put my un brushed hair in a bun and out the door. Well that part of my day was good the kids sang and Derek even had a solo it was too cute! Oh and can you believe they sang GOD BLESS THE USA- so not political correct and I loved it! We made some crafts and picked up some lunch went home had to get Drew take him to speech. So all is well so far besides my hair.

So sometimes I get errands done while Drew is at Speech. I ran to Super Target to buy last minute Thanksgiving food items. Get in my car and realize my key is broken. Yep it broke inside the key thing. Well now I am in panic mode cause I have 15 minutes before I need to get Drew I considered trying to run to Therapy since it was only a couple of miles but of course my high heeled boots changed my mind- So I called Steve thank god he didn't have to work today . Told him to rush and come get me and Drew so of course we are late but only a few minutes which stresses me out I hate being late. We go home to get some tools, a spare key and find a babysitter for the kids cause we don't know how long it will be. Well I found my spare key keychain but guess what no key- What the heck? I still don't know have no recollection. So maybe it's in my car ??? I call Nissan to see if I can get a new key as a back up just in case it's not. So we go back to Target- No key to be found and Steve can't get the broken key out so we figure better try a locksmith. So we go home again and call a locksmith he says it's going to be about 100 bucks. So Steve goes off to meet the locksmith and I go off to borrow a car from one of our friends to go to Nissan to get a key made. So long story short- I got a key made. My friend took me and Drew to my car and the locksmith is working on it so the kids and I all hang out in Steve's truck. Well Derek being the 7 year old that he is was messing around in Steve's truck before I got there and had turned it off but left the lights on so guess what yep dead battery - I'm starting to laugh now it's been about 5 hours since this all started. So we ended up with my car is still sitting in Target's parking lot because the locksmith couldn't fix it we are going to have to get it towed in the morning and Steve is going to work his mechanic magic- a jumpstart and I still have a headache. So hopefully tomorrow is BETTER - I will be Thankful for a uneventful day HOPEFULLY!

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