Monday, September 21, 2009

September Days

Well I can't seem to stop and smell the roses these days. School has started and we are busy I have flown 8 days out of the last 10 so that always makes home life more chaotic. Derek is in full day school now it is so strange not having him in the house all day! The day is a little long for him but he is adjusting slowly but surely. Drew is going to school every morning for a few hours. A bus picks him up at the house it is so cute he gets so excited when he sees the bus. Drew turned 3 on Friday- I was flying so we celebrated last night with Steve's mom and Wade. Still running but I must admit I am not as consistent as I once was and I have a 10k coming up that I am no where ready for.


Erin said...

Oh I miss you so much! I HATE phone tag! The boys are getting so big and I know what you mean about smelling the roses. The days are way too short! Its hard to believe that little Drew is already 3! He should be receiving a little something in the mail. I sent it out on Wednesday and was hoping he would get it by Friday. You all look so good! It must be that Minnesota air =)

Auntie Patti said...

Happy Birthday Drewster! Add me to the list of people who have called and left messages.
I love the new couch in the living room. Dare I ask why there is a couch on the front lawn?

Unknown said...

I love all the pictures..The boys are too cute!
Your doing great! hope you find time to run