Saturday, May 16, 2009

Minnesota Roots

Not sure when it happened but I think Derek is officially a Minnesota boy. He will always be able to say that he was born in Cali but with words like Mom where's the pop? and Dontcha? Hmmmm Picks up those kind of things from the midwest kids. I don't think he will be able to hide his MN roots. I have heard that I have gotten a MN accent as well but I refuse to believe it. I was down in the South a few days ago and seem to pick up a southern twang so it's just where I am at the time. I'm still a valley girl at heart.


Jenna said...

That's cute. I can't picture what a minnesota accent sounds like. Is it like that movie "Fargo"?

Anonymous said...

You just can't take the "Cali-Valley" out of the girl, no matter where she moves...giggle..doncha know? Too funny, I always thought I would love to move to London, or Australia, just for the accent...lolol Have a great day, we miss you!

Unknown said...

Oh Yeah
It is very close to Fargo!
sorry honey but it is!